Saturday, May 14, 2011

English Reflection

1. Yes it did help me prepare for my college because I was immersed in the environment of the college and interacted with college students that would tell me the do’s and don’ts of college. It was very helpful for me because I am going to Hunter College next year, so everything college students told me could be put to use.

2. Write about a moment of great success that you experienced this year. What happened?
There were many obstacles that I faced during this semester and year, but the thing that got to me the most was laziness. I am still trying to manage that right now, it’s not also laziness but the lack of time so right now I am doing time management and working on focusing on the things I need to do.
I am proud of my exam grades because I worked hard to get a good grade, I wasn’t cramming last minute and I planned out my study days and sections well. The studying paid off because I got a grade I was satisfied with, next time I will work hard using the same methods and try to achieve a higher grade.

3. I thought Fiction Writing was a great lesson for me because it thought me methods that writer uses in order to achieve what they want the reader to feel, I think it is very important for me in the future not only in fiction writing. Many of the methods are ones that I can use outside in different methods of writing, I also learned that it is important to draft out a story and work step by step to achieve the result, so I will work hard in the future to take baby steps to achieve a complete result.

4. I took Geography and Calculus, I don’t really have a favorite this year, I feel like I should have took English 120 and Stat 113 instead because they are pre-req for nursing in Hunter. But these two classes I learned quite a lot, out of these two classes I liked Geography better because it’s a class that I could apply common sense too. Unlike Calculus which is pretty confusing to me, I had to study and review a lot in order to understand a concept.

5. More time management skills and work on completing work on time, I will need to push myself to do the homework’s that I do not want to finish.

6. I used the library a lot to study for exams because I can’t focus at home, the environment where everyone else is studying helped me drive myself to study and complete tasks. I wish I had used the Math Center more often because it was very helpful when I went to tutors and small review sessions.

7. I learned that going into college there won’t be anyone there to take care of you and urge you to finish work anymore. College and getting good grades is completely just study, study and study, most classes don’t have homework either so it’s completely dependent on listening in class and studying the textbook. This is an important lesson for me.
8. I will be attending Hunter College.

9. I will be in the medical field as a nurse, or a teacher. I am still undecided but I will finish college and have a stable job.

10. I would tell all future MHSHS students that the choices you make in your senior brings out the student you are, all the habits in HS will be more evident in Senior year than ever. So work hard to change and improve the skills that the teachers tell you to use.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Trista. It has been a pleasure having you in class this year. You write beautifully and I hope you continue. I have really enjoyed watching you adapt to the college environment this year. I wish you the very best in all your future endeavors.
    All my best,
    -Mrs. DeFeo
