Saturday, March 19, 2011


Racism: Her white hair frizzed from the rain and the bright African summer dress contrasted the grey skies outside, she hoisted herself up the tall bus steps, a bit too slow for him. He snaked around her body and sat down at the last seat, he refused to give up his seat even as she eyed him. “Go back there… it’s where you belong.” He mumbled under his breath, loud enough so only the two of them could hear.
Ambition: What makes me get up every morning is what keeps me up at night, but I still keep torturing myself for this reason, my next pay raise is what is going to keep me afloat for rest of this year.
Growing Old: One white hair I can pluck out, taking out ten I can manage the pain. Turning grey I can cover up, those small wrinkles I can inject. But I can’t cover it all up, I will have to stop some day.
Salvation- I entered my personal pin on the keyboard the cashier gave me, it’s not even a month yet and I need to get more from the government. I give personal thanks to the American tax payers every night for that reason.
Poverty- This had been their way of life, their kids never really felt the need of wanting anything else because they never experienced such vanities, they are as pure as a person can be grown up in this kind of environment.
Growing Up:
As I scotch taped my last box for my dad to carry downstairs, I laid my eyes on the frame of my door, colorful from years of markings of my height, I run my hands over the tallest mark made just today. “Baby’s off to college!”
Wealth- It's a mystery how power stands only among the elites.
Injustice: She turned around, her back violated. She kicked the tatted up man wearing baggy jeans in the shin, his face in disbelief distracted her from seeing the man carrying a brief case sneaking away, amongst the crowd in business suit.
Evil: His bitter laughter rings out from the darkness,
Sexual deceit: Red lipstick stains on his wife beaters, worn always under his crisp white dress shirt to work. In disbelief she threw it away, along with his underwear in the garbage can he got her for their 5th wedding anniversary.

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